The Aftermath of "Mobilegeddon"

Posted by:admin

Back in April 2015, Google rolled out an update to it's mobile search algorithm that favored mobile-friendly websites. It makes sense, more searches are being done on mobile devices than ever before.
Now that we are in the middle of Summer, researchers are starting to piece together the aftermath of this change.

The update, dubbed "Mobilegeddon" was covered in a Digital Marketing report released yesterday by Adobe. The report claims that organic traffic to sites with low mobile engagement has fallen up to 10% since the update, and there have been consistent negative impacts each week.

Clearly, the web is going though some growing pains, but companies are starting to take notice. Closer to the release, Google had reported that they saw a 5% increase in the number of mobile responsive sites following the announcement.

Companies that are proactive about their mobile web presence are ahead of the game when it comes to search engine optimization, not to mention usability and engagement with their customers on mobile devices. If not for Google's sake, organizations should consider the massive amount of web browsing taking place on small screens.

Google hasn't left us out to dry though, they have given us a test to determine if a site is mobile friendly by their criteria. Thankfully, passes, but some higher profile domains have been failing the test. Find out if your favorite website passes - here.